By Noelle Granger
Catalina has generously offered me a guest post on her blog.
Since she and her followers are interested in history, I thought I would write
about the Pilgrims. I have written posts about the Pilgrims on my own blog
saylingaway.wordpress.com, but have barely scratched the surface of their
incredible story. My intense interest in these folks comes from the fact I grew
up in Plymouth, surrounded by their history, and was one of the first tour
guides at Plimoth Plantation.

Aren’t Puritans and Pilgrims the same? No. I don’t know how many
times I have read this, so I will clarify:
the Pilgrims and the Puritans were separate religious groups. The
Pilgrims settled the Plimoth Colony beginning in 1620 and were Separatists,
breaking from the Anglican Church. The Puritans settled in the Massachusetts
Bay Colony (the later Boston area) in 1630. They were dissatisfied with the
Church of England but most remained within the Church, advocating further
reforms. John Winthrop, one of the founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony,
was such a Puritan.

Weren’t the Pilgrims happy in Leiden? Not exactly. The
Separatists had never intended to stay in Holland permanently; while their
religion was tolerated, jobs were few and they experienced financial
difficulty. We’ve all heard the story
that the Pilgrims ultimately left Holland because their children had become
more Dutch than English, speaking Dutch and adopting Dutch customs. While this
might have been a contributing reason, in point of fact the Separatists knew
the year 1621 would mark the end of the long truce between Spain and Holland.
If war was renewed and Spain conquered Holland, they would be hunted down for
their Protestant faith by the Spanish Inquisitors. They had to leave.

During that time, all land and livestock were to be owned in
partnership; afterwards the company would be dissolved and the assets divided.
To help insure the success of the colony, the merchants recruited additional
emigrants to participate in the colonizing venture. It’s the reason the colony
was chronically short of food and didn’t really prosper until after the company
Wasn’t their ship the Mayflower? Yes, and no. The Leiden group
of Separatists bought a small ship, the Speedwell, for the voyage and to be
used in their new home. They sailed to England in July of 1620 and there, with
the money from their investors, hired (not bought) a larger vessel, the
Mayflower. Preparations were finally complete on August 5, when the two ships
sailed from Southampton. As most people know, the Speedwell developed serious
leaks and they had to turn back, twice as it turns out. The Mayflower finally
sailed alone, on September 6, from Plymouth, England, some of the Pilgrim
having been left behind.
September is not the time to be sailing westward on the
Atlantic, and their delayed departure had a definite impact on what was to
I am looking forward to continuing this adventure, and my thanks
to Catalina for hosting me!
I started writing as a way of letting my children know where I came from and what shaped me. I grew up in a small coastal Massachusetts town, where the Pilgrims just happened to have landed some 340 years earlier. My family and I lived in a 100 year old house that was three stories high, square and unyielding even to hurricane force winds, and its many windows reflected the sky and ocean. At night, you fell asleep to the sound of waves or the lonely fog horn on Gurnet lighthouse. My seasons were spent on or in the water, so sailing and swimming are themes in some of what I write, with New England overtones. For the last thirty years, I have lived in North Carolina, a place I’ve come to love, and that New England accent has acquired a Southern lilt.
I had a long and active career in academia, and if you want to know more about that, you can Google me. For now, I am just a writer trying to find her voice.
Noelle Granger
Writing as N.A. Granger, Author of Death in a Red Canvas Sail and Death in a Dacron Sail (soon to be released)
I had a long and active career in academia, and if you want to know more about that, you can Google me. For now, I am just a writer trying to find her voice.
Noelle Granger
Writing as N.A. Granger, Author of Death in a Red Canvas Sail and Death in a Dacron Sail (soon to be released)
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